Remote Learning
Acceptable Use Policies and Zoom Support
Engagement in remote learning is one of our areas of improvement. Our platform allows everyone to work around their schedule and their own family circumstances with lessons that can be viewed multiple times if needed. Seesaw was chosen with our pupils and families in mind.
As you know at Honeywell Juniors, teachers and support staff are professionals and they're trained to deliver the curriculum and support the learning of their pupils. When we have to teach our curriculum offsite we try to ensure everyone has an appropriate device at home. Please, please get in touch if you have any issues with devices or any other resource such as printed material.
Our school Remote Learning Policy can be found here on our school website
Remote Learning at Honeywell Juniors – Commonly Asked Questions
What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of being sent home?
At Honeywell Junior School we are using Seesaw as our platform for remote learning. This was set up in June 2020 and since September 2020 all of our children have been accessing their account at home to complete homework tasks, as well as during some lessons during the school day. Therefore, your child will be able to access their Seesaw account on day one of lockdown and thereafter, and you should expect to see work set by your child’s class teacher which replicates the school day.
How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?They can choose from a number of devices to access Seesaw via their personal Seesaw account, using the username and password they have been given via an email sent to parents or a using a QR code. Seesaw allows all SLT staff to see who is accessing Seesaw and how often, therefore if a child is not for some reason, they receive a phone call or a home visit with offers of support.
What do I do if my child says they are finished and the next piece of work is not posted yet?
Curriculum Leaders are constantly sourcing additional on line support for staff and teachers. These include:
- Oak National Academy lessons, video/audio recordings made by teachers
- Times Tables Rock Stars
We are also encouraging children to independently review their work, mark and redraft it. They are also encouraged to review prior learning and practice new concepts and skills. We also hope they are continuing to read widely. There are a number of assemblies available each week to view and comment on as well as mindfulness and kindness activities. They could also access the school website and review the fortnightly newsletters.