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Examples of Curriculum Teaching and Learning in 





At Honeywell Junior School we have a lively and vibrant music curriculum which reaches pupils from all year-groups in a variety of ways. Music education offers young people the chance to understand, perform and create in an aural dimension that often sits outside our capacity to describe in words.

Across the globe, music is one of life’s joys. For many pupils, the music they love will be part of the narrative of their lives and bring colour to the experiences that shape them.


Embedded in our everyday lives, the sounds of music find diverse expression in myriads of ways. As an accompaniment on the more momentous occasions in our lives, such as moments of celebration, grief, and solidarity, music provides solace, distraction and inspiration. It uplifts people when weary and it brings encouragement and focus when attention needs to escape tiredness. Music is a universal language that transcends geography and culture. It extends its embrace from the cradle to the grave.


Within this scientific collection of evidence, music has been shown to have benefits for human cognition, emotion, health and social inclusion.

The intention is to give all pupils a secure and broad understanding of music through listening, singing and playing, learning to read the language of music, composing and giving all a perspective on the history of music by tracing the diaspora of its creators.  Alongside this they will also learn to analyse and evaluate what they hear.  All aspects of music teaching are introduced within the framework of National Curriculum aims of performance, participation, understanding of different historical periods, styles, traditions and genres. 


The aim is to engage interest so that all pupils can enjoy and appreciate music and to inspire them so that their talent as musicians can be brought out. 

From a broader perspective, music is an enabling subject which touches the imagination and creativity in an accessible way without regard for academic ability.   It gives the opportunity to form opinions and to analyse and compare.  

It has mathematical implications through rhythm and notes and English connections through lyrics and responses to heard music.  


Recorder playing is good for dexterity and concentration and singing is good for posture and mood. Musical performance gives the opportunity to develop confidence.


A Honeywell, pupil, will have retained the three classes of knowledge (tacit, procedural and declarative) whilst showing good progression whilst being assessed against the three pillars of progression (technical, constructive and expressive). 

Progression & Current Topic Maps
