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Honeywell Junior School

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Independent School Information

Open events

We offer a large number of opportunities for families to come and visit us to learn more about the school through conversations with our staff and pupils. As you will appreciate, we need to balance the number of open events we run with the need to maintain the smooth running of the school. Sometimes we hear from parents who have found it hard to secure a place on their first-choice open event, so we have made a larger number of spaces available at these events this year. We continue to make a commitment to ensure that every applicant has the chance to see the school with a family member before the entrance assessments begin in late November. If a family is unable to get a place on an open event we run waiting lists for them. As we did last year, we will run a number of additional Wednesday morning coffee morning events in October for anyone who informs us know they have not had the chance to make a visit. The dates of these will be communicated directly to families once they have made an application.

Change to the length of the Maths Assessment for entry:

We are shortening the length of our Maths paper from 1 hr to 45 minutes.  If you would like to know more about our assessments or to see some sample Maths and English papers, please visit the admissions page.


Key admissions dates for September 2025 entry

From September 2024: Scholarship and bursary forms become available for parents to download from the school website on this page. Please do not submit a scholarship or bursary application before registering the candidate.

Saturday 14th September 2024: Open event – tickets on waitlist available

Thursday 3rd October 2024: Open event – tickets on waitlist available

Friday 18th October 2024 (midday): Deadline for acceptance of registrations.

Friday 18th October 2024: Deadline for receipt of educational psychologist reports (if applicable), which are required to assess if a candidate qualifies for extra time or the use of a computer in the entrance exams.

Friday 18th October 2024: Deadline for receipt of a copy of the applicant's end of year school report ( as applicable) This is not sent by the primary/prep school - it must be sent by the parents and can be posted as soon as it is received.

October and November 2024: Additional Wednesday morning open events for any family who has been unable to visit the school.

Friday 1st November 2024: Deadline for receipt of scholarship and fee assistance applications from parents. All sections of the application must be received by this date, including references.

Friday 29th November 2024: Year 7 (11+) entrance exam. Details of exact timings will be sent in November. There will be a reserve date – parents may enquire about this if needed.

January 2025: Interview and group experience. Invitations to attend will be sent via email in early January.

Thursday 13th February 2025: Offer letters sent by first class post. Results will also be confirmed by email on Friday 14th February 2025.

Week beginning 24th February 2025: Offer holder events.

Wednesday 5th March 2025: Acceptance deadline
